Another Bout With Poser

λ is an object for fluent function composition in "python" based on the toolz library.

  1. Motivation
  2. Source
  3. Tests


Function composition is a common task in mathematics and modern programming. Object oriented function composition often breaks with conventional representations. The toolz library provides a set of functional programming objects to compose and pipe functions together. compose and pipe are top level composition functions that how two different typographic conventions.

In the toolz example, both f and g are the same

  1. compose mimics a symbollic function composition.

     f = compose(type, len, range)
  2. pipe allows a fluent composition.

     g = lambda x: pipe(x, range, len, type)
     def h(x: int) -> type: return pipe(x, range, len, type)

The typology of the compose composition is destructive to the flow of literature because it must be read reversed. pipe on the other hand supplements the narrative providing literate compositions aligned with the direction of the literature.

From a learning perspective, my experience with poser & its predecessors have taught me a lot about the pythonic data model. Compose expresses a near complete symbollic API for function composition.

    import toolz, abc, inspect, functools, typing, importlib, urllib, builtins, json, pathlib, operator, itertools, fnmatch
    from toolz.curried import *


Compose augments toolz.Compose to provide a fluent & symbollic object for function composition in python.

    class Compose(toolz.functoolz.Compose):
        __slots__ = toolz.functoolz.Compose.__slots__ + tuple("args kwargs exceptions".split())
        def __init__(self, funcs=None, *args, **kwargs): 
            """`Compose` stores `args` and `kwargs` like a partial."""
            super().__init__(funcs or (I,)); self.args, self.exceptions, self.kwargs = args, kwargs.pop('exceptions', tuple()), kwargs
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            args, kwargs = self.args + args, {**self.kwargs, **kwargs}
            for callable in (self.first,) + self.funcs: 
                try: args, kwargs = (callable(*args, **kwargs),), {}; object = args[0]
                except self.exceptions as Exception: return Ø(Exception)
            return object
        compute = __call__        
        """`__add__ or pipe` a function into the composition."""  
        def pipe(this, object=None, *args, **kwargs):
            """`append` an `object` to `this` composition."""
            if isinstance(this, type) and issubclass(this, Compose): this = this()
            if object == slice(None): return this
            if isinstance(object, typing.Hashable):
                if object in {True, 1}: return this.on()
                if object in {False, 0}: return
            if not object: return this
            object = juxt(forward(object))
            if args or kwargs: object = toolz.partial(object, *args, **kwargs)
            if this.first == I: this.first = object
            else: this.funcs += object,
            return this
        __add__ = __radd__ = __iadd__ = __getitem__ = pipe
        def extend(this, *object):
            for object in object: this = this[object]
            else: return this
        def skip(this, *args, **kwargs): 
            """Don't append an object, for modifying compositions interactively."""
            return this[:]
        __sub__ = __rsub__ = __isub__ = skip
        """Feature flags"""
        def on(this): return this
        def off(this):
            if this.funcs: this.funcs = this.funcs[:-1]
            else: this.first = I
            return this
        """Mapping, Filtering, Groupby, and Reduction."""
        def map(this, callable, key=None): return this[toolz.partial(map, juxt(callable), key=juxt(key))]
        __mul__ = __rmul__ = __imul__ = map
        def filter(this, callable, key=None): return this[toolz.partial(filter, juxt(callable), key=juxt(key))]
        __truediv__ = __rtruediv__ = __itruediv__ = filter
        def groupby(this, callable): return this[toolz.curried.groupby(juxt(callable))]
        __matmul__ = __rmatmul__ = __imatmul__ = groupby
        def reduce(this, callable): return this[toolz.curried.reduce(juxt(callable))]
        __mod__ = __rmod__ = __imod__ = reduce
        def excepts(this, *Exceptions): return λ(excepts=Exceptions)[this]
        __xor__ = excepts
        def ifthen(this, callable): return IfThen(this[callable])
        __and__ = ifthen
        def ifnot(this, callable): return IfNot(this[callable])
        __or__ = ifnot
        def isinstance(this, type): return IfThen(this[toolz.partial(toolz.flip(isinstance), type)])
        __pow__ = __ipow__ = isinstance
        def do(this, callable): return this[]
        __lshift__ = do
        def complement(this, object=None): return λ[toolz.complement(this)] if object == None else self[toolz.complement(object)]
        __invert__ = complement
        """Object tools"""
        def attrgetter(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.attrgetter(*args, **kwargs)]
        def itemgetter(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.itemgetter(*args, **kwargs)]
        def methodcaller(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.methodcaller(*args, **kwargs)]
        """File tools"""
        def read(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.pipe(read, *args, **kwargs)
        __pos__ = read
        def write(this, file): return
        __rshift__ = write
        def dumps(this, **kwargs): return this[json.dumps]
        __neg__ = dumps        
        def read_text(this): return this[pathlib.Path][pathlib.Path.read_text]
        def read_bytes(this): return this[pathlib.Path][pathlib.Path.read_bytes]
        """Directory tools"""
        def glob(this, pattern): return this[pathlib.Path][toolz.curried.flip(pathlib.Path.glob)(pattern)]
        def rglob(this, pattern): return this[pathlib.Path][toolz.curried.flip(pathlib.Path.rglob)(pattern)]
        def get(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.pipe(__import__('requests').get, *args, **kwargs)
        def json(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('requests').Response.json]
        def text(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.attrgetter('text')
        def frame(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('pandas').DataFrame]
        def series(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('pandas').Series]
        def git(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('git').Repo]
        def fnmatch(this, pattern): return this[toolz.curried.flip(fnmatch.fnmatch)(pattern)]
    class Conditional(Compose):
        def __init__(self, predicate, *args, **kwargs):
            self.predicate = super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) or predicate
    class IfThen(Conditional):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            object = self.predicate(*args, **kwargs)
            return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) if object else object
    class IfNot(Conditional):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            object = self.predicate(*args, **kwargs)
            return object if object else super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

    try: import IPython
    except: IPython = None
        for key, value in toolz.merge(
            toolz.pipe(toolz, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.islower, toolz.first))),
            toolz.pipe(builtins, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.islower, toolz.first))),
            {} if IPython is None else toolz.pipe(IPython.display, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.isalpha, toolz.first)))).items(): 
            if not hasattr(Compose, key): 
                setattr(Compose, key, getattr(Compose, key, functools.partialmethod(Compose.pipe, value)))
                getattr(Compose, key).__doc__ = inspect.getdoc(value)
    class Type(abc.ABCMeta): 
        def __getattribute__(cls, str):
            if str in _type_method_names: return object.__getattribute__(cls, str)
            return object.__getattribute__(cls(), str)
    _type_method_names = set(dir(Type))        
    for attr in set(dir(Compose))-(set(dir(toolz.functoolz.Compose)))-set("__weakref__ __dict__".split()): 
        setattr(Type, attr, getattr(Type, attr, getattr(Compose, attr)))
    class λ(Compose, metaclass=Type): 
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(None, *args, **kwargs)

Sometimes we have to write our own utility functions.

    def I(*args, **kwargs): "A nothing special identity function, does pep8 peph8 me?"; return args[0] if args else None
    def forward(module, *, property='', period='.'):
        """Load string forward references"""
        if not isinstance(module, str): return module
        while period:
                if not property: raise ModuleNotFoundError
                return operator.attrgetter(property)(importlib.import_module(module))
            except ModuleNotFoundError as BaseException:
                module, period, rest = module.rpartition('.')
                property = '.'.join((rest, property)).rstrip('.')
                if not module: raise BaseException

    def map(callable, object, key=None):
        """A general `map` function for sequences and containers."""
        if isinstance(object, typing.Mapping):
            if key is not None: object = toolz.keymap(key, object)
            return toolz.valmap(forward(callable), object)
        return, object)
    def filter(callable, object, key=None):
        """A general `filter` function for sequences and containers."""
        if isinstance(object, typing.Mapping):
            if key is not None: object = toolz.keyfilter(key, object)
            return toolz.valfilter(forward(callable), object)
        return toolz.filter(callable, object)

    def read(object, *args, **kwargs):
        """Read files, urls, or yaml.  Always try to parse json."""
            object = pathlib.Path(object).read_text()
            try: return json.loads(object)
            except: return objects
        except: ...
        if urllib.parse.urlparse(object).scheme:
            response = __import__('requests').get(object, *args, **kwargs)
            try: return response.json()
            except: return response.text
        return yaml(object)

    class juxt(toolz.functoolz.juxt):
        def __new__(self, funcs):
            if isinstance(funcs, str): funcs = forward(funcs)
            if callable(funcs) or not toolz.isiterable(funcs): return funcs
            self = super().__new__(self)
            return self.__init__(funcs) or self
        def __init__(self, object): self.funcs = object
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if isinstance(self.funcs, typing.Mapping):
                object = type(self.funcs)()
                for key, value in self.funcs.items():
                    if callable(key): key = key(*args, **kwargs)
                    if callable(value): value = value(*args, **kwargs)
                    object[key] = value
                else: return object
            if toolz.isiterable(self.funcs): return type(self.funcs)(x(*args, **kwargs) if callable(x) else x for x in self.funcs)                    
            if callable(self.funcs): return self.funcs(*args, **kwargs)
            return self.funcs

    class Ø(BaseException):
        def __bool__(self): return False

    def write(object, filename): return getattr(pathlib.Path(filename), F"write_{'bytes' if isinstance(object, bytes) else 'text'}")(object)

    def yaml(object, *, loads=json.loads):
        try: from ruamel.yaml import safe_load as loads
        except ModuleNotFoundError: 
            try: from yaml import safe_load as loads
            except: ...
        return loads(object)
    def stars(callable):
        def call(*iter, **kwargs):
            args, iter = list(), list(iter)
            while iter:
                if isinstance(iter[-1], typing.Mapping): kwargs.update(iter.pop())
                else: args.extend(iter.pop()) 
            return callable(*args, **kwargs)        
        return call

"__main__" tests.

    __test__ = globals().get('__test__', {}); __test__[__name__] = """
    #### Tests
    Initializing a composition.

        >>> assert λ[:] == λ() == λ[::] == λ[0] == λ[1] 
        >>> λ[:]
        λ(<function I at ...>,)

    Composing compositions.

        >>> λ[callable]
        λ(<built-in function callable>,)
        >>> assert λ[callable] == λ+callable == callable+λ == λ.pipe(callable)
        >>> assert λ[callable] != λ[callable][range]
        >>> assert λ.skip() == λ-callable == callable-λ


        >>> λ[type, str]
        λ(<__main__.juxt object at ...>,)
        >>> λ[type, str](10)
        (<class 'int'>, '10')
        >>> λ[{type, str}][type, len](10)
        (<class 'set'>, 2)
        >>> λ[{'a': type, type: str}](10)
        {'a': <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>: '10'}
        >>> (λ[range] * type + list)(3)
        [<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>]
        >>> λ[range].map((type, str))[list](3)
        [(<class 'int'>, '0'), (<class 'int'>, '1'), (<class 'int'>, '2')]
        >>> (λ[range] / λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rfloordiv__][all] + list)(10)
        [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        >>> (λ[range] / (λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rmod__][all]) + list)(10)
        [5, 7, 9]
    Filtering Mappings
        >>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter('ab'.__contains__)()
        {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}
        >>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter(λ().pipe(operator.__contains__, 'bc') , (1).__lt__)()
        {2: 'c'}
        >>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().keyfilter((1).__lt__)()
        {2: 'c'}
        >>> assert λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__ == λ[range].groupby((2).__rmod__)
        >>> (λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__)(10)
        {0: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8], 1: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]}
        >>> assert λ[range]%int.__add__ == λ[range].reduce(int.__add__)
        >>> (λ[range] % int.__add__)(10)
        >>> λ[λ**int+bool, λ**str](10)
        (True, False)
    Forward references.

        >>> λ['random.random']()
    Loading files.
        >>> (λ('2019-10-18-another-bout-with-poser.ipynb').read()[
        ... type, λ.itemgetter('cells')[toolz.first].itemgetter('cell_type')
        ... ])()
        (<class 'dict'>, 'markdown')

    Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.  

    Feature flags: `λ` has `"on" "off"` features flags.

        >>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).on()(10)
        [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        range(0, 10)
        >>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).off()(10)
        range(0, 10)
        >>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[False](10), λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[0](10)
        (range(0, 10), range(0, 10))
    Starred functions allows arguments and dictionaries to be defined in iterables.
        >>> stars(range)([0,10])
        range(0, 10)
        >>> stars(λ[dict])(λ[range][reversed][enumerate][[list]](3))
        {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0}
    Some recipes.
    Load a bunch of notebooks as objects.
        >>> λ[λ.glob('*.ipynb').take(2)[list] * [I, λ.read()] + dict + 'pandas.Series'][type, len]()
        (<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>, ...)

    import doctest; __name__ == '__main__' and display(doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS), IPython.display.Markdown(__test__[__name__]))
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=32)


Initializing a composition.

>>> assert λ[:] == λ() == λ[::] == λ[0] == λ[1] 
>>> λ[:]
λ(<function I at ...>,)

Composing compositions.

>>> λ[callable]
λ(<built-in function callable>,)
>>> assert λ[callable] == λ+callable == callable+λ == λ.pipe(callable)
>>> assert λ[callable] != λ[callable][range]
>>> assert λ.skip() == λ-callable == callable-λ


>>> λ[type, str]
λ(<__main__.juxt object at ...>,)
>>> λ[type, str](10)
(<class 'int'>, '10')
>>> λ[{type, str}][type, len](10)
(<class 'set'>, 2)
>>> λ[{'a': type, type: str}](10)
{'a': <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>: '10'}


>>> (λ[range] * type + list)(3)
[<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>]
>>> λ[range].map((type, str))[list](3)
[(<class 'int'>, '0'), (<class 'int'>, '1'), (<class 'int'>, '2')]


>>> (λ[range] / λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rfloordiv__][all] + list)(10)
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> (λ[range] / (λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rmod__][all]) + list)(10)
[5, 7, 9]

Filtering Mappings

>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter('ab'.__contains__)()
{0: 'a', 1: 'b'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter(λ().pipe(operator.__contains__, 'bc') , (1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().keyfilter((1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}


>>> assert λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__ == λ[range].groupby((2).__rmod__)
>>> (λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__)(10)
{0: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8], 1: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]}


>>> assert λ[range]%int.__add__ == λ[range].reduce(int.__add__)
>>> (λ[range] % int.__add__)(10)


>>> λ[λ**int+bool, λ**str](10)
(True, False)

Forward references.

>>> λ['random.random']()

Loading files.

>>> (λ('2019-10-18-another-bout-with-poser.ipynb').read()[
... type, λ.itemgetter('cells')[toolz.first].itemgetter('cell_type')
... ])()
(<class 'dict'>, 'markdown')

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.

Feature flags: λ has "on" "off" features flags.

>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).on()(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).off()(10)
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[False](10), λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[0](10)
(range(0, 10), range(0, 10))

Starred functions allows arguments and dictionaries to be defined in iterables.

>>> stars(range)([0,10])
range(0, 10)
>>> stars(λ[dict])(λ[range][reversed][enumerate][[list]](3))
{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0}

Some recipes.

Load a bunch of notebooks as objects.

>>> λ[λ.glob('*.ipynb').take(2)[list] * [I, λ.read()] + dict + 'pandas.Series'][type, len]()
(<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>, ...)
Written on October 18, 2019