Fastapi Routes
Most canonical examples for fastapi
use fastapi.FastAPI
to instantiate an application. This notebook envisions a situation where an author has written several useful notebooks and they want to reuse as API’s. This is acheived with fastapi
and importnb
import requests, pandas, IPython
provides the fastapi.APIRouter
to build bigger applications
app = __import__('fastapi').APIRouter() # Typically __import__('fastapi').FastAPI()
is an example endpoint that recieves Github information for a username.
def user(name: str = 'tonyfast'):
global id
id = pandas.Series(requests.get(F'{name}').json())
return id.to_dict()
__import__('requests_cache').install_cache('fastapi_routes') # Add a caching mechanism.
accesses the user’s gist.
def gists(pages: int = 2):
global id, df
globals().get('id', user())
df = pandas.concat([pandas.DataFrame(requests.get(
) for i in range(1, pages)])
return [x.to_dict() for n, x in df.iterrows()]
Use the base starlette
library to customize to customize repsonses. For example, we return a pandas
@app.get('/table', response_class=__import__('starlette').responses.HTMLResponse)
def table(): return globals()['df'].to_html()
Running the application
Running this notebook
Under the right conditions this notebook can be executed as a standalone application using the code below.
if __name__ == '__main__' and '__file__' in globals():
APP = __import__('fastapi').FastAPI()
__name__ == '__main__' and __import__('uvicorn').run(APP, host="", port=8000)
Running many notebooks with
.Create an application level python file to aggregrate the
s into a unified application. Each endpoint is prefix by the module name.
__name__ == '__main__' and '__file__' not in globals() and IPython.display.Code(filename='')
app = __import__('fastapi').FastAPI()
with __import__('importnb').Notebook():
try: from . import __fastapi_routes
except: import __fastapi_routes
app.include_router(, prefix=F"/{__fastapi_routes.__name__}")
__name__ == '__main__' and __import__('uvicorn').run(app, host="", port=8000)