Interactive Markdown Cells
My white 🐳 is literate markdown programming in the notebook.
I have made so many attempts at a literate interface to the notebook. Each of these experiments revealed important features of modern literate programming computing.
I’ve drawn the concept in packages & single notebooks. In retrospect, they contain too many opinions to be extensible.
Here is another go at it.
import re, textwrap, tokenize, io, itertools, IPython; from toolz.curried import *
__all__ = 'parse',
Use the mistune
to parse
block level markdown objects.
class Lexer(__import__('mistune').BlockLexer):
def parse(self, text, rules=None):
text = ''.join(x if x.strip() else "\n" for x in text.splitlines(True))
rules = rules or self.default_rules
def manipulate(text):
for key in rules:
m = getattr(self.rules, key).match(text)
if m: getattr(self, 'parse_%s' % key)(m); return m
return False
while text:
m = manipulate(text)
if m: text = text[len(]
if not m and text: raise RuntimeError('Infinite loop at: %s' % text)
if self.tokens: self.tokens[-1]['match'] = m
return self.tokens
def quote(str, prior="", tick='"""'):
"""wrap a block of text in quotes. """
if not str.strip(): return str
indent, outdent = len(str)-len(str.lstrip()), len(str.rstrip())
if tick in str or str.endswith(tick[0]): tick = '"""'
return str[:indent] + prior + tick + str[indent:outdent] + tick + ";" + str[outdent:]
markdown code into valid python code.
class Parser:
def parse_code(self, token, *, indent=-1):
code = token['match'].group().rstrip(); stripped = code.strip()
if stripped.startswith(('>>>',)) or (not stripped and 'match' in token): return # don't do anything for blank code.
if code.startswith(('```',)):
code = ''.join(['\n'] + code.rstrip('`').splitlines(True)[1:])
if textwrap.dedent(code) == code: code = textwrap.indent(code, ' '*max(indent, 4))
return code
def indent_text(self, body, text, code="", *, indent=-1, block_level=0):
try: tokenized = list(tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(textwrap.dedent(body).encode('utf-8')).readline)) if body else []
except tokenize.TokenError as exception:
if exception.args[0] == 'EOF in multi-line string': text = textwrap.indent(text, ' '*_indent)
else: text = (text.strip() and quote or identity)(text, ' '*_indent)
while tokenized and not tokenized[-1].string: tokenized.pop()
this_indent, line = indent, tokenized[-1].line if tokenized else ""
this_indent += len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
if body.rstrip().endswith(':'):
for last in code.splitlines() or ['']:
if last.strip(): break
this_indent += max(len(last)-len(last.lstrip())-this_indent + block_level*2, 4)
text = quote(textwrap.indent(text, ' '*this_indent))
return body + text + code
def parse(self, object, *, formatted="", indent=-1, block_level=0):
tokens, attrs = Lexer()(object), set(dir(self))
while tokens:
token = tokens.pop(0)
if token['type'] == 'list_start': block_level += 1
if token['type'] == 'list_end': block_level -= 1
if F"parse_{token['type']}" in attrs:
code = getattr(self, F"parse_{token['type']}")(token, indent=indent)
if code is None: continue
if indent < 0: indent = max(len(code) - len(code.lstrip()), 4)
text, object = re.split(r'\s*'.join(re.escape(token['match'].group().rstrip()).splitlines(True)), object)
formatted = self.indent_text(formatted, text, code, indent=indent, block_level=block_level)
return self.indent_text(formatted, object, indent=indent)
Another notebook defines how the output should be displayed.
Create IPython
extensions that can be reused.
parser = Parser()
def cleanup_transform(x):
global parser
return textwrap.dedent(parser.parse(''.join(x))).splitlines(True)
def unload_ipython_extension(shell):
globals()['_transforms'] = globals().get('_transforms', shell.input_transformer_manager.cleanup_transforms)
global _transforms
shell.input_transformer_manager.cleanup_transforms = _transforms
def load_ipython_extension(shell):
shell.input_transformer_manager.cleanup_transforms = [cleanup_transform]
__name__ == '__main__' and load_ipython_extension(get_ipython())
Written on October 16, 2019