Poser With Type Recording
import toolz, abc, inspect, functools, typing, importlib, urllib, builtins, json, pathlib, operator, itertools, fnmatch
from toolz.curried import *
Expose the ability to record types.
with __import__('importnb').Notebook():
try: from . import __type_recorder
except: import __type_recorder
record = __type_recorder.Record()
class Compose(toolz.functoolz.Compose):
__slots__ = toolz.functoolz.Compose.__slots__ + tuple("args kwargs exceptions".split())
def __init__(self, funcs=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""`Compose` stores `args` and `kwargs` like a partial."""
super().__init__(funcs or (I,)); self.args, self.exceptions, self.kwargs = args, kwargs.pop('exceptions', tuple()), kwargs
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
args, kwargs = self.args + args, {**self.kwargs, **kwargs}
for callable in (self.first,) + self.funcs:
try: args, kwargs = (record(callable)(*args, **kwargs),), {}; object = args[0]
except self.exceptions as Exception: return Ø(Exception)
return object
compute = __call__
"""`__add__ or pipe` a function into the composition."""
def pipe(this, object=None, *args, **kwargs):
"""`append` an `object` to `this` composition."""
if isinstance(this, type) and issubclass(this, Compose): this = this()
if object == slice(None): return this
if isinstance(object, typing.Hashable):
if object in {True, 1}: return this.on()
if object in {False, 0}: return this.off()
if not object: return this
object = juxt(forward(object))
if args or kwargs: object = toolz.partial(object, *args, **kwargs)
if this.first == I: this.first = object
else: this.funcs += object,
return this
__add__ = __radd__ = __iadd__ = __getitem__ = pipe
def extend(this, *object):
for object in object: this = this[object]
else: return this
def skip(this, *args, **kwargs):
"""Don't append an object, for modifying compositions interactively."""
return this[:]
__sub__ = __rsub__ = __isub__ = skip
"""Feature flags"""
def on(this): return this
def off(this):
if this.funcs: this.funcs = this.funcs[:-1]
else: this.first = I
return this
"""Mapping, Filtering, Groupby, and Reduction."""
def map(this, callable, key=None): return this[toolz.partial(map, juxt(callable), key=juxt(key))]
__mul__ = __rmul__ = __imul__ = map
def filter(this, callable, key=None): return this[toolz.partial(filter, juxt(callable), key=juxt(key))]
__truediv__ = __rtruediv__ = __itruediv__ = filter
def groupby(this, callable): return this[toolz.curried.groupby(juxt(callable))]
__matmul__ = __rmatmul__ = __imatmul__ = groupby
def reduce(this, callable): return this[toolz.curried.reduce(juxt(callable))]
__mod__ = __rmod__ = __imod__ = reduce
def excepts(this, *Exceptions): return λ(excepts=Exceptions)[this]
__xor__ = excepts
def ifthen(this, callable): return IfThen(this[callable])
__and__ = ifthen
def ifnot(this, callable): return IfNot(this[callable])
__or__ = ifnot
def isinstance(this, type): return IfThen(this[toolz.partial(toolz.flip(isinstance), type)])
__pow__ = __ipow__ = isinstance
def do(this, callable): return this[toolz.curried.do(juxt(callable))]
__lshift__ = do
def complement(this, object=None): return λ[toolz.complement(this)] if object == None else self[toolz.complement(object)]
__invert__ = complement
"""Object tools"""
def attrgetter(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.attrgetter(*args, **kwargs)]
def itemgetter(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.itemgetter(*args, **kwargs)]
def methodcaller(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[operator.methodcaller(*args, **kwargs)]
"""File tools"""
def read(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.pipe(read, *args, **kwargs)
__pos__ = read
def write(this, file): return this.do(toolz.curried.flip(write)(file))
__rshift__ = write
def dumps(this, **kwargs): return this[json.dumps]
__neg__ = dumps
def read_text(this): return this[pathlib.Path][pathlib.Path.read_text]
def read_bytes(this): return this[pathlib.Path][pathlib.Path.read_bytes]
"""Directory tools"""
def glob(this, pattern): return this[pathlib.Path][toolz.curried.flip(pathlib.Path.glob)(pattern)]
def rglob(this, pattern): return this[pathlib.Path][toolz.curried.flip(pathlib.Path.rglob)(pattern)]
def get(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.pipe(__import__('requests').get, *args, **kwargs)
def json(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('requests').Response.json]
def text(this, *args, **kwargs): return this.attrgetter('text')
def frame(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('pandas').DataFrame]
def series(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('pandas').Series]
def git(this, *args, **kwargs): return this[__import__('git').Repo]
def fnmatch(this, pattern): return this[toolz.curried.flip(fnmatch.fnmatch)(pattern)]
class Conditional(Compose):
def __init__(self, predicate, *args, **kwargs):
self.predicate = super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) or predicate
class IfThen(Conditional):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
object = self.predicate(*args, **kwargs)
return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) if object else object
class IfNot(Conditional):
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
object = self.predicate(*args, **kwargs)
return object if object else super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
try: import IPython
except: IPython = None
for key, value in toolz.merge(
toolz.pipe(toolz, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.islower, toolz.first))),
toolz.pipe(builtins, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.islower, toolz.first))),
{} if IPython is None else toolz.pipe(IPython.display, vars, toolz.curried.valfilter(callable), toolz.curried.keyfilter(toolz.compose(str.isalpha, toolz.first)))).items():
if not hasattr(Compose, key):
setattr(Compose, key, getattr(Compose, key, functools.partialmethod(Compose.pipe, value)))
getattr(Compose, key).__doc__ = inspect.getdoc(value)
class Type(abc.ABCMeta):
def __getattribute__(cls, str):
if str in _type_method_names: return object.__getattribute__(cls, str)
return object.__getattribute__(cls(), str)
_type_method_names = set(dir(Type))
for attr in set(dir(Compose))-(set(dir(toolz.functoolz.Compose)))-set("__weakref__ __dict__".split()):
setattr(Type, attr, getattr(Type, attr, getattr(Compose, attr)))
class λ(Compose, metaclass=Type):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(None, *args, **kwargs)
Sometimes we have to write our own utility functions.
def I(*args, **kwargs): "A nothing special identity function, does pep8 peph8 me?"; return args[0] if args else None
def forward(module, *, property='', period='.'):
"""Load string forward references"""
if not isinstance(module, str): return module
while period:
if not property: raise ModuleNotFoundError
return operator.attrgetter(property)(importlib.import_module(module))
except ModuleNotFoundError as BaseException:
module, period, rest = module.rpartition('.')
property = '.'.join((rest, property)).rstrip('.')
if not module: raise BaseException
def map(callable, object, key=None):
"""A general `map` function for sequences and containers."""
if isinstance(object, typing.Mapping):
if key is not None: object = toolz.keymap(key, object)
return toolz.valmap(forward(callable), object)
return toolz.map(callable, object)
def filter(callable, object, key=None):
"""A general `filter` function for sequences and containers."""
if isinstance(object, typing.Mapping):
if key is not None: object = toolz.keyfilter(key, object)
return toolz.valfilter(forward(callable), object)
return toolz.filter(callable, object)
def read(object, *args, **kwargs):
"""Read files, urls, or yaml. Always try to parse json."""
object = pathlib.Path(object).read_text()
try: return json.loads(object)
except: return objects
except: ...
if urllib.parse.urlparse(object).scheme:
response = __import__('requests').get(object, *args, **kwargs)
try: return response.json()
except: return response.text
return yaml(object)
class juxt(toolz.functoolz.juxt):
def __new__(self, funcs):
if isinstance(funcs, str): funcs = forward(funcs)
if callable(funcs) or not toolz.isiterable(funcs): return funcs
self = super().__new__(self)
return self.__init__(funcs) or self
def __init__(self, object): self.funcs = object
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if isinstance(self.funcs, typing.Mapping):
object = type(self.funcs)()
for key, value in self.funcs.items():
if callable(key): key = record(key)(*args, **kwargs)
if callable(value): value = record(value)(*args, **kwargs)
object[key] = value
else: return object
if toolz.isiterable(self.funcs): return type(self.funcs)(record(x)(*args, **kwargs) if callable(x) else x for x in self.funcs)
if callable(self.funcs): return record(self.funcs)(*args, **kwargs)
return self.funcs
class Ø(BaseException):
def __bool__(self): return False
def write(object, filename): return getattr(pathlib.Path(filename), F"write_{'bytes' if isinstance(object, bytes) else 'text'}")(object)
def yaml(object, *, loads=json.loads):
try: from ruamel.yaml import safe_load as loads
except ModuleNotFoundError:
try: from yaml import safe_load as loads
except: ...
return loads(object)
def stars(callable):
def call(*iter, **kwargs):
args, iter = list(), list(iter)
while iter:
if isinstance(iter[-1], typing.Mapping): kwargs.update(iter.pop())
else: args.extend(iter.pop())
return callable(*args, **kwargs)
return call
__test__ = globals().get('__test__', {}); __test__[__name__] = """
#### Tests
Initializing a composition.
>>> assert λ[:] == λ() == λ[::] == λ[0] == λ[1]
>>> λ[:]
λ(<function I at ...>,)
Composing compositions.
>>> λ[callable]
λ(<built-in function callable>,)
>>> assert λ[callable] == λ+callable == callable+λ == λ.pipe(callable)
>>> assert λ[callable] != λ[callable][range]
>>> assert λ.skip() == λ-callable == callable-λ
>>> λ[type, str]
λ(<__main__.juxt object at ...>,)
>>> λ[type, str](10)
(<class 'int'>, '10')
>>> λ[{type, str}][type, len](10)
(<class 'set'>, 2)
>>> λ[{'a': type, type: str}](10)
{'a': <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>: '10'}
>>> (λ[range] * type + list)(3)
[<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>]
>>> λ[range].map((type, str))[list](3)
[(<class 'int'>, '0'), (<class 'int'>, '1'), (<class 'int'>, '2')]
>>> (λ[range] / λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rfloordiv__][all] + list)(10)
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> (λ[range] / (λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rmod__][all]) + list)(10)
[5, 7, 9]
Filtering Mappings
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter('ab'.__contains__)()
{0: 'a', 1: 'b'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter(λ().pipe(operator.__contains__, 'bc') , (1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().keyfilter((1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}
>>> assert λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__ == λ[range].groupby((2).__rmod__)
>>> (λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__)(10)
{0: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8], 1: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]}
>>> assert λ[range]%int.__add__ == λ[range].reduce(int.__add__)
>>> (λ[range] % int.__add__)(10)
>>> λ[λ**int+bool, λ**str](10)
(True, False)
Forward references.
>>> λ['random.random']()
Loading files.
>>> (λ('2019-10-18-another-bout-with-poser.ipynb').read()[
... type, λ.itemgetter('cells')[toolz.first].itemgetter('cell_type')
... ])()
(<class 'dict'>, 'markdown')
Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.
Feature flags: `λ` has `"on" "off"` features flags.
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).on()(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).off()(10)
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[False](10), λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[0](10)
(range(0, 10), range(0, 10))
Starred functions allows arguments and dictionaries to be defined in iterables.
>>> stars(range)([0,10])
range(0, 10)
>>> stars(λ[dict])(λ[range][reversed][enumerate][[list]](3))
{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0}
Some recipes.
Load a bunch of notebooks as objects.
>>> λ[λ.glob('*.ipynb').take(2)[list] * [I, λ.read()] + dict + 'pandas.Series'][type, len]()
(<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>, ...)
import doctest; __name__ == '__main__' and display(doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS), IPython.display.Markdown(__test__[__name__]))
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=30)
Initializing a composition.
>>> assert λ[:] == λ() == λ[::] == λ[0] == λ[1]
>>> λ[:]
λ(<function I at ...>,)
Composing compositions.
>>> λ[callable]
λ(<built-in function callable>,)
>>> assert λ[callable] == λ+callable == callable+λ == λ.pipe(callable)
>>> assert λ[callable] != λ[callable][range]
>>> assert λ.skip() == λ-callable == callable-λ
>>> λ[type, str]
λ(<__main__.juxt object at ...>,)
>>> λ[type, str](10)
(<class 'int'>, '10')
>>> λ[{type, str}][type, len](10)
(<class 'set'>, 2)
>>> λ[{'a': type, type: str}](10)
{'a': <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>: '10'}
>>> (λ[range] * type + list)(3)
[<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>]
>>> λ[range].map((type, str))[list](3)
[(<class 'int'>, '0'), (<class 'int'>, '1'), (<class 'int'>, '2')]
>>> (λ[range] / λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rfloordiv__][all] + list)(10)
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> (λ[range] / (λ[(3).__lt__, (2).__rmod__][all]) + list)(10)
[5, 7, 9]
Filtering Mappings
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter('ab'.__contains__)()
{0: 'a', 1: 'b'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().filter(λ().pipe(operator.__contains__, 'bc') , (1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}
>>> λ('abc').enumerate().dict().keyfilter((1).__lt__)()
{2: 'c'}
>>> assert λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__ == λ[range].groupby((2).__rmod__)
>>> (λ[range] @ (2).__rmod__)(10)
{0: [0, 2, 4, 6, 8], 1: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]}
>>> assert λ[range]%int.__add__ == λ[range].reduce(int.__add__)
>>> (λ[range] % int.__add__)(10)
>>> λ[λ**int+bool, λ**str](10)
(True, False)
Forward references.
>>> λ['random.random']()
Loading files.
>>> (λ('2019-10-18-another-bout-with-poser.ipynb').read()[
... type, λ.itemgetter('cells')[toolz.first].itemgetter('cell_type')
... ])()
(<class 'dict'>, 'markdown')
Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.
Feature flags: λ
has "on" "off"
features flags.
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).on()(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print).off()(10)
range(0, 10)
>>> λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[False](10), λ[range].do(λ+list+print)[0](10)
(range(0, 10), range(0, 10))
Starred functions allows arguments and dictionaries to be defined in iterables.
>>> stars(range)([0,10])
range(0, 10)
>>> stars(λ[dict])(λ[range][reversed][enumerate][[list]](3))
{0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0}
Some recipes.
Load a bunch of notebooks as objects.
>>> λ[λ.glob('*.ipynb').take(2)[list] * [I, λ.read()] + dict + 'pandas.Series'][type, len]()
(<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>, ...)
__name__ == '__main__' and λ.frame()(record).sum(axis=1).sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame('uses').T
typing.Callable[[int], bool] | typing.Callable[[int], tuple] | typing.Callable[[int], int] | typing.Callable[[tuple], bool] | typing.Callable[[int], range] | typing.Callable[[int], type] | typing.Callable[[int], str] | typing.Callable[[pathlib.PosixPath], dict] | typing.Callable[[str], enumerate] | typing.Callable[[dict], dict] | ... | typing.Callable[[range], dict] | typing.Callable[[range], range_iterator] | typing.Callable[[list], map] | typing.Callable[[map], dict] | typing.Callable[[pandas.core.series.Series], tuple] | typing.Callable[[range_iterator], enumerate] | typing.Callable[[], pathlib.PosixPath] | typing.Callable[[pathlib.PosixPath], generator] | typing.Callable[[generator], itertools.islice] | typing.Callable[[2019-10-22-type-recorder.Record], pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] | |
uses | 25.0 | 22.0 | 20.0 | 20.0 | 11.0 | 7.0 | 6.0 | 4.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | ... | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
1 rows × 49 columns
Written on October 24, 2019