The main source for the nbd
jupyter application and its notebook creation tools. The nbformat namespace was renamed to simplify the creation of new notebooks. When someone is using nbd
they should expect to make one python configuration file that is executed from the command line with
jupyter nbd --config
__all__ = 'markdown', 'notebook', 'code', 'raw', 'output', 'reads'
from nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
from traitlets import Any # These should be properly assigned
import typing as t
class Docs(NbConvertApp):
loaders = Any(default_value=tuple(), help="""""").tag(config=True)
post = Any(default_value=None, help="""""").tag(config=True)
report = Any(default_value=None, help="""""").tag(config=True)
def convert_notebooks(self):
super().convert_notebooks() or and [
name and NbConvertApp.convert_single_notebook(
self, name, io.StringIO(writes(nb))) for name, nb in]
def init_single_notebook_resources(self, notebook_filename):
resources = super().init_single_notebook_resources(notebook_filename)
resources['name'] = resources['unique_key'] = notebook_filename
return resources
main = launch_new_instance = Docs.launch_instance
Continuing on attributes are appened to the Docs
class as they become necessary.
from nbformat import reads, io, writes, NotebookNode
def identity(path, resources: dict=None, **kw) -> t.Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]:
"""callable to export ipynb files"""
return reads(path.read_text(), 4), resources
class FuncExporter(__import__('nbconvert').exporters.html.HTMLExporter):
callable = Any(identity)
def from_filename(self, file_name: str, resources: dict=None, **kw) -> t.Tuple[str, dict]:
html, resources = self.from_notebook_node(
*self.callable(Path(file_name), resources, **kw), **kw)
return html, resources
Update the exporter each time a new notebook is accessed.
def convert_single_notebook(self, name, buffer=None):
path = Path(name)
for exts, exporter in reversed([*RULES, *self.loaders]): # There is a better way to have default loaders
if path.suffix[1:] in exts:
self.exporter = (
isinstance(exporter, __import__('nbconvert').exporters.base.Exporter)
and exporter or FuncExporter(callable=exporter))
return super(Docs, self).convert_single_notebook(name, buffer)
self.log.warning("{} was not converted; there is no rule for the {} suffix.".format(str(path), path.suffix))
Docs.convert_single_notebook = convert_single_notebook
The default loader is notebooks only.
def minimal_style(callable: t.Callable[[str, dict], NotebookNode]
) -> t.Callable[[str, dict], t.Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]]:
"""A minimal style wrapper other file types"""
def _return_nb(path, resources=None, **kw):
return notebook(cells=[
markdown("""# [{}]({})""".format(str(path), str(path)+'.html')),
callable(path.read_text())]), resources
return _return_nb
Notebooks are created using objects in the nbformat
package; rename these objects to have shorter namespaces.
from nbformat.v4 import (
new_code_cell as code,
new_markdown_cell as markdown,
new_notebook as notebook,
new_raw_cell as raw,
new_output as output)
(('ipynb',), identity),
(('py', 'pyi'), minimal_style(code)),
(('md', 'markdown'), minimal_style(markdown)),
(('txt',), minimal_style(code))]
The standard post processor recieves just the notebook name, this one recieves the exported text, resources, and name.
class CallablePostProcessor(__import__('nbconvert').postprocessors.PostProcessorBase):
"""Call an arbitrary function after it has been writen to disk."""
callable = Any().tag(config=True)
def postprocess(self, result: t.Tuple[str, dict, str]) -> None:
html, resources, notebook_name = result
self.callable(html, resources, notebook_name)
def init_postprocessor(self):
if self.postprocessor = CallablePostProcessor(
else: super(Docs, self).init_postprocessor()
Docs.init_postprocessor = init_postprocessor
The post processor above requires a patched files writer.
class FilesWriter(__import__('nbconvert').writers.FilesWriter):
"""Use the same name so configuration works the same. This patch assures the parent directory exists and returns the output, resources, and name.
def write(self, output: str, resources: dict, notebook_name: str) -> t.Tuple[str, dict, str]:
"""Returns a tuple of the output html, resources, and file destination. These
values are available to the post processor."""
(lambda path: path.parent.exists() or path.parent.mkdir())(
self.build_directory / Path(notebook_name))
return output, resources, super().write(output, resources, notebook_name)
Change the default directory path to docs to be consistent with github pages.
FilesWriter.build_directory.default_value = 'docs'
Docs.writer_class.default_value = 'nbd.FilesWriter'
A Most Basic Index that lists the notebooks.
def index(data):
def _index(html, resources, destination):
data.cells.append(markdown("""# [{0}]({1})\n\n---\n\n""".format(
resources.get('name'),resources.get('name') + destination.split(resources.get('name'), 1)[-1])))
return _index
If imports are needed in scope then don't import them.
from pathlib2 import Path