
Culture changes with time.

The modern, machine-assisted cultural infrastructure for open knowledge is:

  • persistent
  • (human, computer) language agnostic
  • multi-domain
  • built on volunteer effort
  • decentralized
  • open source

Case study:

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    %load_ext literacy.template
    from import *
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## _Culture_ & [Design]()

Culture & Design

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> [Pigment has a long history.](
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> ### [Brand Identities like Facebook and CocaCola are the new colors.](,home-depot,coca-cola,t-mobile,facebook,mailchimp)
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# Color Picker <input type="color" name="favcolor" value="#ff0000">


Color Picker

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> Now when I see people with Jupyter on their laptops I ask what they are doing.

Now when I see people with Jupyter on their laptops I ask what they are doing.

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## _Culture_ & [Systems]() 

Culture & Systems

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So in my office I have a console like this, and there are 12 others that are computer supplies.
And we try now-a-days to do our daily work on here. So this characterizes the way I could sit here and look at a clear blank piece of paper, that's the way I start many projects. So with my system, I start and say "I'd like to load that in." So, sorry about that. So I'm putting in an entity called a "statement." And this is full of other entities called "words." If I make some mistakes I can back up a little bit. So I have a statement with some entities, words, and I can do some operations on these and copy a word, and that word might copy after itself. In fact, a pair word I like to copy after itself. And I can just do this a few times, and get a bit of material there. And there are other materials, like "text." I can copy from that oint to that point. It's copy. So I can get myself some material on my blank piece of paper and say, "Well, this is going to be more important than it looks, so I'd like to set up a file." So I tell the machine, "Output to a file." And it says, "Well, I need a name." I'll give it a name. I'll say it's "sample file." And I'll say "Please output it", and it did! A 7 year old github repo

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#     webrtc = __import__('particles.webrtc')

webrtc = import('particles.webrtc')

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## _Culture_ & [Materials]()


> ### The best things in life are free. The second best things are very, very expensive.

Culture & Materials

The best things in life are free. The second best things are very, very expensive.

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- Github
- Binder
  • Github
  • Binder
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## _Culture_ & [Community]()

### [Contributors](

### [Code of Conduct](

### [Internationalization]( "JEP")
### [](juliacon talk on an issue) 
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## _Culture_ & [Media]()

Culture & Media

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Jupyter days: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Hawaii, Philadelphia, Mountain View    

Jupyter days: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Hawaii, Philadelphia, Mountain View

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`Import('.Number of Notebooks').view`

Import('.Number of Notebooks').view

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## _Culture_ & [Culture]()

- Open Source Software and Citizen Science is a life~~style~~.

Culture & Culture

  • Open Source Software and Citizen Science is a lifestyle.
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