# coding: utf-8
# The main source for the `nbd` jupyter application and its notebook creation tools. The nbformat namespace was renamed to simplify the creation of new notebooks. When someone is using `nbd` they should expect to make one python configuration file that is executed from the command line with
# jupyter nbd --config config.py
# In[1]:
__all__ = 'markdown', 'notebook', 'code', 'raw', 'output', 'reads'
# In[2]:
from nbconvert.nbconvertapp import NbConvertApp
from traitlets import Any # These should be properly assigned
import typing as t
class Docs(NbConvertApp):
loaders = Any(default_value=tuple(), help="""""").tag(config=True)
post = Any(default_value=None, help="""""").tag(config=True)
report = Any(default_value=None, help="""""").tag(config=True)
def convert_notebooks(self):
super().convert_notebooks() or self.report and [
name and NbConvertApp.convert_single_notebook(
self, name, io.StringIO(writes(nb))) for name, nb in self.report()]
def init_single_notebook_resources(self, notebook_filename):
resources = super().init_single_notebook_resources(notebook_filename)
resources['name'] = resources['unique_key'] = notebook_filename
return resources
main = launch_new_instance = Docs.launch_instance
# Continuing on attributes are appened to the `Docs` class as they become necessary.
# ## Callable Exporter
# In[3]:
from nbformat import reads, io, writes, NotebookNode
def identity(path, resources: dict=None, **kw) -> t.Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]:
"""callable to export ipynb files"""
return reads(path.read_text(), 4), resources
class FuncExporter(__import__('nbconvert').exporters.html.HTMLExporter):
callable = Any(identity)
def from_filename(self, file_name: str, resources: dict=None, **kw) -> t.Tuple[str, dict]:
html, resources = self.from_notebook_node(
*self.callable(Path(file_name), resources, **kw), **kw)
return html, resources
# Update the exporter each time a new notebook is accessed.
# In[4]:
def convert_single_notebook(self, name, buffer=None):
path = Path(name)
for exts, exporter in reversed([*RULES, *self.loaders]): # There is a better way to have default loaders
if path.suffix[1:] in exts:
self.exporter = (
isinstance(exporter, __import__('nbconvert').exporters.base.Exporter)
and exporter or FuncExporter(callable=exporter))
return super(Docs, self).convert_single_notebook(name, buffer)
self.log.warning("{} was not converted; there is no rule for the {} suffix.".format(str(path), path.suffix))
Docs.convert_single_notebook = convert_single_notebook
# ## The Loaders.
# The default loader is notebooks only.
# In[112]:
def minimal_style(callable: t.Callable[[str, dict], NotebookNode]
) -> t.Callable[[str, dict], t.Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]]:
"""A minimal style wrapper other file types"""
def _return_nb(path, resources=None, **kw):
return notebook(cells=[
markdown("""# [{}]({})""".format(str(path), str(path)+'.html')),
callable(path.read_text())]), resources
return _return_nb
# Notebooks are created using objects in the `nbformat` package; rename these objects to have shorter namespaces.
# ### Default loaders
# In[6]:
from nbformat.v4 import (
new_code_cell as code,
new_markdown_cell as markdown,
new_notebook as notebook,
new_raw_cell as raw,
new_output as output)
(('ipynb',), identity),
(('py', 'pyi'), minimal_style(code)),
(('md', 'markdown'), minimal_style(markdown)),
(('txt',), minimal_style(code))]
# ## Post Processing
# The standard post processor recieves just the notebook name, this one recieves the exported text, resources, and name.
# In[7]:
class CallablePostProcessor(__import__('nbconvert').postprocessors.PostProcessorBase):
"""Call an arbitrary function after it has been writen to disk."""
callable = Any().tag(config=True)
def postprocess(self, result: t.Tuple[str, dict, str]) -> None:
html, resources, notebook_name = result
self.callable(html, resources, notebook_name)
# In[8]:
def init_postprocessor(self):
if self.post: self.postprocessor = CallablePostProcessor(callable=self.post)
else: super(Docs, self).init_postprocessor()
Docs.init_postprocessor = init_postprocessor
# ## Writing
# The post processor above requires a patched files writer.
# In[9]:
class FilesWriter(__import__('nbconvert').writers.FilesWriter):
"""Use the same name so configuration works the same. This patch assures the parent directory exists and returns the output, resources, and name.
def write(self, output: str, resources: dict, notebook_name: str) -> t.Tuple[str, dict, str]:
"""Returns a tuple of the output html, resources, and file destination. These
values are available to the post processor."""
(lambda path: path.parent.exists() or path.parent.mkdir())(
self.build_directory / Path(notebook_name))
return output, resources, super().write(output, resources, notebook_name)
# Change the default directory path to docs to be consistent with github pages.
# In[10]:
FilesWriter.build_directory.default_value = 'docs'
Docs.writer_class.default_value = 'nbd.FilesWriter'
# > A Most Basic Index that lists the notebooks.
# In[111]:
def index(data):
def _index(html, resources, destination):
data.cells.append(markdown("""# [{0}]({1})\n\n---\n\n""".format(
resources.get('name'),resources.get('name') + destination.split(resources.get('name'), 1)[-1])))
return _index
# If imports are needed in scope then don't import them.
# In[ ]:
from pathlib2 import Path