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@tonyfast s notebooks

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restart and run all or it didn't happen
my golden rule for notebooks is Restart and run all or it didn't happen. RARA||GTFO for short.
11 total
10 code
executed out of order
Python [conda env:root] *
lines of code
table of contents
  • impacts of Restart and run all-ability
  • Restart and run all and reusability
  • RARA conflicts
  • too many ideas
  • compute intensive operations
  • 📣 write notebooks that endure
  • devils 😈 share
  • Restart and run all roots
  • {"kernelspec": {"display_name": "Python [conda env:root] *", "language": "python", "name": "conda-root-py"}, "language_info": {"codemirror_mode": {"name": "ipython", "version": 3}, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.13"}, "widgets": {"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json": {"state": {}, "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0}}, "title": "restart and run all or it didn't happen", "description": "my golden rule for notebooks is Restart and run all or it didn't happen. RARA||GTFO for short."}
    notebook toolbar
    cell ordering

    restart and run all or it didn't happen

    my golden rule for notebooks is Restart and run all or it didn't happen. RARA|| GTFO for short.

    the RARA criteria is satisfied when:

    1. all of the cells are executed. conversely, there are not any unexecuted cells.
    2. all of the cells prompt numbers increase monotonically. out-of-order prompts means out-of-order execution and the possibility of hidden state.

    a text based figure displaying RARA GTFO RARA GTFO laid out as four square on a checkerboard

    2 1 outputs.
    3 1 outputs.
    RARA = "__Restart and run all__"
    4 1 outputs.

    benefits of ||

    a computational notebook is a literate program that composites narrative and code; it simultaneously has the qualities of literature and a program . literate programs introduce a computational qualities to documents, and the compute implied the authoring system had state .

    a common complaint is that literate notebook programs contain hidden states . hidden state is happens when code cells are executed out-of-order, or not executed at all. executing code cells ensures that code can be read by at least one machine; the code input worked at some point. ordered execution is an objective measure of non-hidden state [^tamper].

    in the literature, Exploration and Explanation in Computational Notebooks , a large scale analysis of notebooks, they distinguish between linear notebooks and non-linear notebooks. non-linear notebooks are most likely to have hidden state . at scale, restart and run all is a distinguishing quality of computational notebooks.

    The most prevalent expression of literate computing right now is the computational notebook.

    fernando perez - co-founder of Project Jupyter - acknowledged that notebooks are literate programs with something extra. he describes notebook authoring as literate computing where live computation is woven into the document. the notebook document is stateful, statefulness is a quality of this new media.

    the restart and run all criteria verifies that code inputs work and there is not hidden state.

    [^tamper]: it is possible that inputs were tampered with, but let us assume the best intentions.

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    5 1 outputs.

    executed code in computational notebooks

    when notebooks are observed as documents, code objects are literary devices actively participating in the narrative. these code objects have two distinct states:

    1. NOT executed code

      un-executed reverses back into normal language. it is arbitrary symbol propping up the narrative.

    2. executed code

      executed code encapsulates a form of pre-formatted input code and corresponding output respresentations. the input and outputs cooperate - through text and form - to bring meaning to the coded object.

    NOT executed code has arbitrary meaning, trust it like you would code returned from chatgpt . on the other hand, executed code has inputs, outputs and prompts. when the prompts are populated we know a cell has been executed. when all the cells execute in order we satisfy the restart and run all criteria.

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    6 1 outputs.

    Restart and run all

    def restart_and_run_all(file, code_cell_count=0):

    restart_and_run_all is violated when we iterate through the the notebook cells

        for i, cell in enumerate((notebook := read_file(file)).cells):
            if cell["cell_type"] == "code":

    to discover a code cell:

                code_cell_count += 1
    • that has not been executed because the prompt is not an integer

                    current_count = int(cell.execution_count)
                except ValueError: raise UnexecutedCell(F"cell {i} not executed")
                if code_cell_count != current_count:
    • has cell prompts that do not align with current cell count

                    raise OutOfOrderExecution(F"cell {i} is executed out of order")
    7 1 outputs.

    Restart and run all

    we assign two formal BaseException s for restart_and_run_all : OutOfOrderExection and UnexecutedCell

    unexecuted cells

    unexecuted cells are representations only by the preformatted text input. they lack an outputs or prompt number. without these features the code stands on its own. it reverts back to pseudocode.

    class UnexecutedCell(BaseException):

    UnexecutedCell s raises when the code cell execution counts is a non-integer.

    out of order execution

    there are some tools that are designed to be reactive or executed out of order. the RARA criterion does not dismiss these cases rather it could be a starting state. we may suspect hidden state

    class OutOfOrderExection:

    OutOfOrderExection raises when code cell execution counts are not monotonically increasing.

    def read_file(file):
        if not isinstance(file, str): file = file.__file__
        with open(file) as f: return nbformat.v4.reads(

    extra preservatives

    notebooks are swiss army knives documents; they have application as tests, modules, scripts and documents. the restart and run all criteria combined with the [different cell execution states][states]: INTERACTIVE , SCRIPT , or MODULE .

    assert restart_and_run_all("2023-01-09-notebooks-states.ipynb") is None,\

    errors are raised when failing, and i don't want to demostrate failure here

    when we assert that a previous notebook will restart and run all we become slightly more confident about the code in that document.

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    8 1 outputs.

    impacts of -ability

    Restart and run all

    restart and run all is critical to reusing python notebooks as modules, tests or scripts . there are a few ways of testing notebooks , and none of these methods suceed without notebooks that restart and run all.

    restart and run all as a practice will encourage you to write notebooks you'll be able to return to.

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    9 1 outputs.


    too many ideas

    it is easy to put too many units of thought into a notebook . this struggle can be striking when sticking to the restart and run all principle. when we write documents about single units of thought we are treading in formal testing territory.

    compute intensive operations

    a push against restart and run all is having large datasets or other compute intensive operations. we apply the CREAM principle and cache our compute intensive tasks. in these situations, authors will benefit data engineering there work to avoid costly repetitive tasks; you'll save your future self time.

    10 1 outputs.

    📣 write notebooks that endure

    RARA || GTFO helps us trust our's and other's notebooks more. we can be slightly more confident in future uses of that work.

    RARA . i'm cheering for y'all. i see y'all beating the snot out of every line of code. let's make these efforts endure. remember to tell you friends Restart and run all or GTFO .

    11 1 outputs.

    devils 😈 share

    Restart and run all

    paco nathan was the first person i heard this concept from. at Jupyter Day 2016 , at the time, he was using notebooks as medium for immersive professional publications. these oriole notebooks were educational tools that embedded the teacher and the runtime together. there were some beautiful videos produced with some big names like:...

    paco presented what his team learned when producing teaching videos with notebooks .

    1. focus on a concise "unit of thought"
    2. invest the time and editorial effort to create a good introduction
    3. keep your narrative simple and reasonably linear
    4. "chunk" both the text and the code into understandable parts
    5. alternate between text, code, output, further links, etc.
    6. leverage markdown by providing interesting links for background, deep-dive, etc.
    7. code cells should not be long, < 10 lines
    8. code cells must show that they've run, producing at least some output
    9. load data from the container, not the network
    10. clear all output then "Run All" -- or it didn't happen
    11. video narratives: there's text, and there's subtext...
    12. pause after each "beat" -- smile, breathe, allow people to follow you

    and there, clear as day, in the tenth bullet, we find clear all output then "Run All" -- or it didn't happen . i love that this pattern was discovered when producing video content. it means that Restart and run all is critical to communicating our ideas with notebooks as the substrate.

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