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pipes are common sugar¤

the | is a common operator in programming languages. in pidgy, we find the | operator in jijnja2 filters.

here we adds pipes to markdown strings used in pidgy.

the pipe classes¤

make it possible chain markdown and python.

    class pipe(functools.partial):
        def __or__(self, object):
            if isinstance(object, str): return super().__call__(object)
            if callable(object): return pipe(lambda x: object(super().__call__(x)))
            raise NotImplementedError(F"not implemented for {type(object)}")

        def __ror__(self, object):
            if isinstance(object, str): return super().__call__(object)
            if callable(object): return pipe(lambda x: super().__call__(object(x)))

    class do(pipe):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
            object, *_ = args + (None,)
            return object

pipe can used as a decorator

    def strip_fence(body):
        lines = body.splitlines(1)[1:]
        if lines[-1].startswith(("```", "~~~")):
        return "".join(lines)

maybe we want a pipeable version of print

    print = do(print)
    print | "asdf"

    )| strip_fence | do(print)