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fumbling around with pluggyยค

  • register/unregister plugins
  • define specs and implementations at the same time.
    import pluggy

we're going to think about a sample PROGram that has an interface.

    PROG = "sample-program"

the specification decorates the functions and signatures of our interface. the implementation uses the specification for consistency when it actually defines computational work.

    implementation, specification = pluggy.HookimplMarker(PROG), pluggy.HookspecMarker(PROG)

PROGs specification for my_plugin provides a default interface.

    def my_plugin(a, b, c): return "".join(map(str, (a,b,c)))

we register the specifaction onto a plugin manager

    manager = pluggy.PluginManager(PROG)

our specification lives in the import __main__ or MAIN namespace.

    manager.add_hookspecs(__main__ := __import__(__name__))
    assert "my_plugin" in dir(manager.hook), "the plugin is registered"

now we can add our implementation of my_plugin in the __main__ module


now we can execute our manager.hook.my_plugin method

    manager.hook.my_plugin(a=10, b=20, c=30)

let's add another implementation. we can't name it my_plugin otherwise we'll lose the scope of our previous method. here we name our method whatever we want and explicitly define the implementation:specname it refers to.

    def another_plugin(a, b): return (a, b)    

now seems like a good time test what async functions do

    @implementation(specname="my_plugin", trylast=True)
    async def async_my_plugin(a, b): return (a, b)    

reregistering the __main__ gives an error because pluggy doesn't allow someone register the module twice

    try: manager.register(__main__); assert False, "can't register the module twice"
    except ValueError: assert True

the proper registration requires we unregister the module first.


now our invocation finds both implementations.

    (results := manager.hook.my_plugin(a=10, b=20, c=30))
['102030', (10, 20), <coroutine object async_my_plugin at 0x7feab0168040>]

async_my_plugin evaluates to a coroutine that we'd have to handle properly.

    assert __import__("inspect").iscoroutine(results[-1])