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configuration filesยค

i'm going to include my configuration files in this package. it seems like a great place to keep them for consistency. we can import them.

    from tonyfast import ipython_config, jupyter_lab_config

the configurations on the c symbol staying consistent with traitlets configurations.


then we can apply the configuration files to the property directories. IPython and jupyter_core ship their path locations

    import IPython.paths, jupyter_core.paths
    from pathlib import Path
    JUPYTER = Path(jupyter_core.paths.jupyter_config_dir())
    IPYTHON = Path(IPython.paths.get_ipython_dir())

set the configuration files for IPython and jupyter

    def set_configs(use_platform_dir: bool=True):
        import shutil
        if use_platform_dir:
            shutil.copy(jupyter_lab_config.__file__, JUPYTER / Path(jupyter_lab_config.__file__).name)        
            shutil.copy(ipython_config.__file__, IPYTHON / Path(ipython_config.__file__).name)
            shutil.copy(jupyter_lab_config.__file__, Path(jupyter_lab_config.__file__).name)        
            shutil.copy(ipython_config.__file__, Path(ipython_config.__file__).name)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        if "__file__" in locals():
            !importnb 2022-12-31-jupyter-config-files.ipynb --help