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unravel directories of notebooks with dask¤

this is another pass at using dask to load notebooks with the ultimate intent to search them. in searching-notebooks, i first approach this task with some keen pandas skills that we not so kind in the dask land. this document takes another pass at using clearer expressions to ravel a bunch of notebooks to dask.dataframe

taking care to load notebooks as dask.dataframes offers the power to apply direct queries, export to parquet, export to sqlite, export to duckdb, arrow..

    import pandas, json, jsonpointer, orjson, dask.dataframe; from pathlib import Path
    from toolz.curried import *
    XXX = __name__ == "__main__" and "__file__" not in locals()

if you know the shape then define it¤

dask truly prefers explicit dtypes while pandas is more flexible. meta holds our shape information for the cells, outputs, and displays

    class meta: 
        O = "object"
        ANY = None, O
        NB = [("cells", O), ("metadata", O), ("nbformat", int), ("nbformat_minor", int)]
        CELL = [
            ("cell_type", str), ("execution_count", int), ("id", str),
            ("metadata", O), ("outputs", O), ("source", str), ("cell_ct", int),]
        OUTPUT = [
            ("data", O), ("metadata", O), ("ename", str), ("evalue", str),
            ("text", str), ("execution_count", int), ("output_type", str), ("output_ct", int)]
        DISPLAY = [("type", str), ("value", str)]        
        new_nb = pandas.Series(index=map(first, NB), dtype="O")
        new_cell = pandas.Series(index=map(first, CELL), dtype="O")
        new_output = pandas.Series(index=map(first, OUTPUT), dtype="O")
        new_display = pandas.Series(index=map(first, DISPLAY), dtype="O")
    def enumerate_list(x, key="cell_ct"): return [{key: i, **y} for i, y in enumerate(x)]    

    def get_series(data, key="text", new=meta.new_output):
        if key in data:
            data[key] = "".join(data[key])
        s = new.copy()
        return s.update(data) or s

off to the races as we load some data from our local files.

    WHERE = Path("oct")

the files we include start and remain our index. in prior iterations, there were a few set index operations, but we don't want to be opening files to do this cause that is costly. we'll store other metadata on the dataframe as we unpack the notebook shapes.

    def get_files(WHERE=WHERE):
        return dask.bag.from_sequence(
            dict(file=str(x)) for x in WHERE.glob("*.ipynb")
    XXX and (files := get_files())
Dask DataFrame Structure:
Dask Name: sort_index, 8 graph layers

contents loads our files in to a dataframe containg real cell contents. each row is a file.

    def get_contents_from_files(files):
        return  files.index.to_series().apply(
            compose_left(Path, Path.read_text, orjson.loads, partial(
                get_series, new=meta.new_nb)), meta=meta.NB)
    XXX and (contents := get_contents_from_files(files))
Dask DataFrame Structure:
cells metadata nbformat nbformat_minor
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb object object int64 int64
oct/2022-10-06-github-open-source-stats.ipynb ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb ... ... ... ...
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb ... ... ... ...
Dask Name: apply, 11 graph layers

the cells are built by exploding the rows of the contents

    def get_cells_from_contents(contents):
        cells = contents.cells
        cells = cells.apply(enumerate_list, meta=meta.ANY)
        return cells.explode().apply(get_series, key="source", new=meta.new_cell, meta=meta.CELL)
    if XXX:
        cells = get_cells_from_contents(contents)    
        meta_cells = cells["metadata cell_ct".split()]; cells.pop("metadata"); display(cells)
Dask DataFrame Structure:
cell_type execution_count id outputs source cell_ct
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb object int64 object object object int64
oct/2022-10-06-github-open-source-stats.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ...
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ...
Dask Name: drop_by_shallow_copy, 16 graph layers

new we deal will outputs that include display_data, stdout, and stderr.

    def get_outputs_from_cells(cells):
        outputs = cells["outputs cell_ct".split()].dropna(subset="outputs")
        outputs.outputs = outputs.outputs.apply(enumerate_list, key="output_ct", meta=meta.ANY)
        outputs = outputs.explode("outputs").dropna(subset="outputs")
        return dask.dataframe.concat([
            outputs.pop("outputs").apply(get_series, key="text", new=meta.new_output, meta=meta.OUTPUT),
        ], axis=1)
    if XXX:
        outputs = get_outputs_from_cells(cells)
        meta_display = outputs["metadata cell_ct output_ct".split()]; outputs.pop("metadata"); display(outputs)
Dask DataFrame Structure:
data ename evalue text execution_count output_type output_ct cell_ct
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb object object object object int64 object int64 int64
oct/2022-10-06-github-open-source-stats.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Dask Name: drop_by_shallow_copy, 2 graph layers

separating the different standard out/error displays from the rich display data. there is probably more to for managing the different types of outputs from the different reprs.

    def get_display_data_from_outputs(outputs):
        display_data = outputs["data execution_count output_type cell_ct output_ct".split()].dropna(subset="data")
        display_data["data"] = display_data["data"].apply(compose_left(dict.items, list), meta=meta.ANY)
        display_data = display_data.explode("data").dropna(subset="data")
        return dask.dataframe.concat([
                    partial(zip, meta.new_display.index), dict, 
                    partial(get_series, key=None, new=meta.new_display)
                ), meta=meta.DISPLAY), display_data], axis=1)
    XXX and (display_data := get_display_data_from_outputs(outputs)).compute()
type value execution_count output_type cell_ct output_ct
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/plain ["the expected cell keys are ['attachments', '... 3.0 execute_result 7 0
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/html [<div><strong>Dask DataFrame Structure:</stron... NaN display_data 15 1
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/plain [Dask DataFrame Structure:\n, at... NaN display_data 15 1
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/html [<div>\n, <style scoped>\n, .dataframe tbo... NaN display_data 17 0
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/plain [path ..... NaN display_data 17 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json {'model_id': 'cd4f96b3078c4adf851d419b9c8e7885... NaN display_data 4 1
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb text/plain [HTML(value='<pre><code>importlib._bootstrap_e... NaN display_data 4 1
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb text/plain [([], 1)] 4.0 execute_result 5 0
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb text/plain [([], 16)] 5.0 execute_result 7 0
oct/test_nbconvert_html5.ipynb text/plain [([], 5)] 6.0 execute_result 9 0

173 rows × 6 columns

where to go from¤

  • extend to other files. the notebook format is a hypermedia document format.
  • save to different formats. initially we think about parquet, while in theory from this dataframe we could go further an imagine it being the seed for documentation.
    XXX and display(*(x.sample(frac=.1).compute().sample(5) for x in (cells, outputs, display_data)))
cell_type execution_count id outputs source cell_ct
oct/2022-10-29-metadata-formatter.ipynb markdown NaN 50d9dcf9-18f4-4eb7-9a9a-cc3e14b3b2e2 NaN #### dataframes 16
oct/2022-10-06-github-open-source-stats.ipynb code 197.0 af8301f0-8a28-4350-87fa-a728867ccf67 [] %reload_ext doit 6
oct/2022-10-21-markdown-future.ipynb code 5.0 21fa2ad9-23f9-4868-9cb7-3bb87b69c542 [{'data': {'text/markdown': ['# tangle (code) ... # tangle (code) and weave (display)\n\n kni... 7
oct/2022-10-19-mobius-text.ipynb code NaN 55228766-71c2-48f0-819f-afab637a4867 [] 18
oct/2022-10-27-axe-core-playwright-python.ipynb code 17.0 6e7cb333-6cc3-4c73-b256-382bcb3e9c2c [] async def injectAxe(page): \n await page.ev... 9
data ename evalue text execution_count output_type output_ct cell_ct
oct/2022-10-21-markdown-future.ipynb {'text/markdown': ['i'm not saying importing m... NaN NaN NaN NaN display_data 0 17
oct/2022-11-17--Copy1.ipynb {'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json': {... NaN NaN NaN NaN display_data 0 6
oct/2022-10-21-markdown-future.ipynb {'text/markdown': ['```mermaid ', 'flowchart L... NaN NaN NaN NaN display_data 1 16
oct/2022-10-29-.ipynb NaN AttributeError 'dict' object has no attribute 'breaks' NaN NaN error 1 12
oct/2022-10-21-pidgy-displays.ipynb {'application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json': {... NaN NaN NaN NaN display_data 0 17
type value execution_count output_type cell_ct output_ct
oct/2022-10-05-dask-search.ipynb text/html [<div>\n, <style scoped>\n, .dataframe tbo... NaN display_data 19 0
oct/2022-11-21-1.ipynb text/plain [HTML(value='<pre><code>__</code></pre>\n')] NaN display_data 2 1
oct/2022-10-29-.ipynb application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json {'model_id': 'fa05bd5e43cc4785834b4b87ec154fbe... NaN display_data 11 0
oct/2022-11-17--Copy1.ipynb text/plain [HTML(value='<pre><code>notebooks = pandas.con... NaN display_data 5 0
oct/2022-10-21-markdown-future.ipynb text/markdown [## literate computing with literary machines ... NaN display_data 5 0
    from dataclasses import dataclass, field
    class Contents:
        dir: Path = field(default_factory=Path.cwd)
        contents: dask.dataframe.DataFrame = None

        def __post_init__(self):
            self.contents = get_contents_from_files(get_files(self.dir))
            self.cells = get_cells_from_contents(self.contents)
            self.outputs = get_outputs_from_cells(self.cells)
            self.display_data = self.get_display_data_from_outputs(self.outputs)