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pandas accessors¤

pandas accessors provide syntactic sugar for dataframes and series. they make it possible to manipulate pandas objects using the familiar fluent interface permitted by chaining pandas methods.

further, we consider calling corountines and asynchronous objects during pandas computations. at the end, we have a powerful, pluggable interface that permits pandas affordances to be consistently used in an application. designing accessors makes it possible to develop reusable interfaces outside the context of an application.

    import pandas, anyio, typing, inspect, pathlib
    from functools import partial
    from operator import *
    from functools import singledispatch, partialmethod
    from itertools import chain
    from enum import auto, IntFlag
    class Kind(IntFlag): INDEX, SERIES, DATAFRAME = auto(),auto(),auto()

each pandas collection has a mapping method, but the methods vary based on the type of the dataframe. the apply function is an async aware generalized mapper for pandas collections that always return a series of dataframe.

the Accessor implements the base pattern for pandas accessors. we add some conveniences for registering accessors to the class creation

    class Accessor:
        def __init__(self, object):
            self.object = object

        def __init_subclass__(cls, method=None, types=INDEX|SERIES|FRAME, name=None):
            cls.method = method

            for t in (INDEX, SERIES, FRAME):
                if t in types:
                    getattr(pandas.api.extensions, F"register_{}_accessor")(name or cls.__name__.lower())(cls)
        ACC_METHODS = {pandas.Index: "index", pandas.Series: "series", pandas.DataFrame: "dataframe"}

the Method generically consumes methods to create accessors for entire method apis.

    class Method(Accessor):
        def __init_subclass__(cls, method=None, types=[pandas.Index, pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame], name=None):
            super().__init_subclass__(method=method, types=types, name=name)

            for k,v in vars(method).items():
                if hasattr(cls, k): continue
                if callable(method) and not isinstance(v, classmethod): 
                    setattr(cls, k, partialmethod(cls.apply, v))
                elif isinstance(method, property):
                    setattr(cls, k, property(partialmethod(cls.apply, operator.attrgetter(k))))

        def apply(self, f, *args, **kwargs):
            return apply(self.object,f, *args, **kwargs)

a generalized, async-aware apply method¤

def apply(x, f, *args, **kwargs):
    return apply_index(pandas.Index(x), f, *args, **kwargs)

def apply_index(x, f, *args, **kwargs):
    return apply_series(x.to_series(), f, *args, **kwargs)

def apply_series(x, f, *args, **kwargs):
    return x.apply(f, args=args, **kwargs).rename(f.__name__).pipe(_sync_or_async)

def apply_frame(x, f, *args, **kwargs):
    return x.apply(f, axis=1, args=args, **kwargs).pipe(_sync_or_async)

def apply_group(x, f, *args, **kwargs):
    return x.apply(f, *args, **kwargs).pipe(_sync_or_async)
async def _asyncgen(x): return [x async for x in x]

async def _update(s, gen=None, asyn=None):
    from asyncio import gather
    if not len(s): return ()
    if isinstance(s[0], (typing.AsyncGenerator, typing.AsyncIterable)):
        s = s.apply(_asyncgen)
    if isinstance(s[0], typing.Coroutine):
        y = await gather(*s.tolist())
        s.update(dict(zip(s.index, y)))
    return s

def _sync_or_async(s):
    return _update(s) if _isasync(s) else s

def _isasync(x):
    if len(x):
        return isinstance(x[0], (typing.AsyncGenerator, typing.AsyncIterable, typing.AsyncIterator, typing.Coroutine))
    return  False

let use that boring ass sleep example to compare that pandas is in fact running async.

    def hold(x): __import__("time").sleep(x*.1); return x
    async def ahold(x): await __import__("asyncio").sleep(x*.1); return x

when comparing async and sync version the sleep code we find that our wall time, the actual duration of time, can be drastically reduced. this comes at a cost of the cpu time required. the async cpu is greater because mode code is required to handle coroutines and async evaluations.

    N = 10
    print("the async version runs faster in parallel")
    %time __import__("asyncio").run(apply_index(pandas.RangeIndex(N)[::-1], ahold))
    print("while the sync version runs in serial")
    %time apply_index(pandas.RangeIndex(N)[::-1], hold)
    print("the difference in the times allows us to see that are accessors are running in parallel.")
the async version runs faster in parallel
CPU times: user 6.38 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 6.38 ms
Wall time: 904 ms
while the sync version runs in serial
CPU times: user 1.78 ms, sys: 973 µs, total: 2.75 ms
Wall time: 4.5 s
the difference in the times allows us to see that are accessors are running in parallel.

sync and async paths¤

    class Path(Method, method=pathlib.Path, name="path", types=INDEX | SERIES):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if isinstance(self.object, pandas.Index):
            return self.object.apply(self.method)
    sync_dirs = (

normal pandas apply methods are not async aware.

    class APath(Method, method=anyio.Path, name="apath", types=INDEX | SERIES):
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            if isinstance(self.object, pandas.Index):
            return self.object.apply(self.method)

the async_dirs is returned from the async variant that requires an await statement ammended to the sync_dirs definition

    async_dirs = (
        await pandas.Index([""]).apath().apath.glob("*.ipynb")
    assert pandas.testing.assert_series_equal(sync_dirs, async_dirs) is None
        await async_dirs.pipe(pandas.Index).apath.read_text()
    ).apply(pandas.read_json, typ="series").explode("cells")
cells metadata nbformat nbformat_minor
2022-06-28-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 8, 'i... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'pidgy', 'lang... 4 5
2022-06-28-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 12, '... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'pidgy', 'lang... 4 5
2022-06-28-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 43, '... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'pidgy', 'lang... 4 5
2022-06-28-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 44, '... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'pidgy', 'lang... 4 5
2022-06-28-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 65, '... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'pidgy', 'lang... 4 5
... ... ... ... ...
2022-06-26-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 7, 'i... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'Python [conda... 4 5
2022-06-26-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 113, ... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'Python [conda... 4 5
2022-06-26-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 114, ... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'Python [conda... 4 5
2022-06-26-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': 101, ... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'Python [conda... 4 5
2022-06-26-.ipynb {'cell_type': 'code', 'execution_count': None,... {'kernelspec': {'display_name': 'Python [conda... 4 5

1088 rows × 4 columns

    import jinja2
    class Template(Method, method=jinja2.Environment(), types=FRAME):
        def render_string(self, tpl, **kwargs):
            tpl = self.method.from_string(tpl)
            return apply_frame(self.object, self._render_series, tpl)

        def _render_series(self, row, tpl, **kwargs):
            if self.method.is_async:
                return tpl.render_async(**row, **kwargs)
            return tpl.render(**row, **kwargs)

        def render_template(self, tpl, **kwargs):
            tpl = self.method.get_template(tpl)
            return apply_frame(self.object, self._render_series, tpl)
    class ATemplate(Template, method=jinja2.Environment(enable_async=True), types=FRAME):
    df = sync_dirs.pipe(pandas.Index, name="path").to_series().to_frame()
    sync_dirs.pipe(pandas.Index, name="path").to_series().to_frame().template.render_string("sha256sum {{path}}")
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dtype: object
    await sync_dirs.pipe(pandas.Index, name="path").to_series().to_frame().atemplate.render_string("sha256sum {{path}}")
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dtype: object