this document is full of links for you to visit later, and learn at your own pace.
this is a 5 minute link dump about my special interest.
with a surprise demo!
we're going to learn about:
* w3c accessibility standards
* accessibility auditing tools and practices
* language used in the accessibility circles
* how disability impacts us all.
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## global disability stats<blockquotecite="">*Anestimated1.3billionpeopleexperiencesignificantdisability.Thisrepresents16%oftheworld’spopulation,or1in6ofus.*Somepersonswithdisabilitiesdieupto20yearsearlierthanthosewithoutdisabilities.*Personswithdisabilitieshavetwicetheriskofdevelopingconditionssuchasdepression,asthma,diabetes,stroke,obesityorpoororalhealth.*Personswithdisabilitiesfacemanyhealthinequities.*Personswithdisabilitiesfindinaccessibleandunaffordabletransportation15timesmoredifficultthanforthosewithoutdisabilities.*Healthinequitiesarisefromunfairconditionsfacedbypersonswithdisabilities,includingstigma,discrimination,poverty,exclusionfromeducationandemployment,andbarriersfacedinthehealthsystemitself.</blockquote>
* An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. This represents 16% of the world’s population, or 1 in 6 of us.
* Some persons with disabilities die up to 20 years earlier than those without disabilities.
* Persons with disabilities have twice the risk of developing conditions such as depression, asthma, diabetes, stroke, obesity or poor oral health.
* Persons with disabilities face many health inequities.
* Persons with disabilities find inaccessible and unaffordable transportation 15 times more difficult than for those without disabilities.
* Health inequities arise from unfair conditions faced by persons with disabilities, including stigma, discrimination, poverty, exclusion from education and employment, and barriers faced in the health system itself.
## forms of disability
recently, Jupyter developers were able to remove accessibility violations caught be axe. read the [blog post].