sketch of configurable keyboard interaction patterns for tables¤
html only without interactive javascript.
table roles can be quite flexible depending upon the contents of the data.
when we get to role=grid
and role=treegrid
we need to implement
keyboard shortcuts for navigation and selection. the keyboard shortcuts should be configurable.
from nbconvert_a11y.repr import get_table, new
from nbconvert_a11y.table import aria
grid and treegrid pattern appear the same
need patterns for navigation and selection
to design for accessibility we isolate every keyboard action as a button. each button element recieves an isolated function for a single action.
use a random dataframe to seed our table region
section = get_table(DataFrame(numpy.random.randn(3, 4)))
define navigation actions
new("fieldset", new("legend", "navigation"),
new("label", new("input", type="checkbox", checked=""), "allow navigation"),
new("button", "first cell in table", **aria(keyshortcuts="Ctrl+Home")),
new("button", "left", **aria(keyshortcuts="ArrowLeft")),
new("button", "right", **aria(keyshortcuts="ArrowRight")),
new("button", "up", **aria(keyshortcuts="ArrowUp")),
new("button", "down", **aria(keyshortcuts="ArrowDown")),
new("button", "first cell in row", **aria(keyshortcuts="Home")),
new("button", "last cell in row", **aria(keyshortcuts="End")),
new("button", "next group", **aria(keyshortcuts="PageDown")),
new("button", "prior group", **aria(keyshortcuts="PageUp")),
new("button", "last cell in table", **aria(keyshortcuts="Ctrl+End")),
define selection actions
new("legend", "selection"),
new("label", new("input", type="checkbox", checked=""), "allow selection"),
new("button", "select current column", **aria(keyshortcuts="Ctrl+End")),
new("button", "select current row", **aria(keyshortcuts="Ctrl+End")),
new("button", "select and focus cell to the left", **aria(keyshortcuts="Shift+ArrowLeft")),
new("button", "select and focus cell to the right", **aria(keyshortcuts="Shift+ArrowRight")),
new("button", "select and focus cell above", **aria(keyshortcuts="Shift+ArrowUp")),
new("button", "select and focus cell below", **aria(keyshortcuts="Shift+ArrowDown")),
when we consistently define `aria-keyshortcuts` we recieve canonical accessors
for defining a widget for summarizing and modifying the keyboard shortcuts.
it is most likely that this will be hidden in `dialog` to reduce the elements interfering with content.
shortcuts = Series("[aria-keyshortcuts], [accesskey]"))
table = DataFrame(
index=Index(shortcuts.attrgetter("string"), name="action")
lambda x: new("kbd", x)
update=list(new("button", "update") for x in range(len(shortcuts)))
).pipe(get_table, caption="keyboard shortcuts")
there likely needs to be a visual representation of the current cell.
collapse : tree :: select : grid