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serializing dataframe values to contextual htmlยค

when serializing a dataframe we need several serializations

1. the series comprosing a dataframe contains type and object information,
colorless and colorful forms. this information needs to be transformed to many strings.

        flowchart =\
flowchart LR
    dataframe --> series
    series --> value
    series --> dtype

2. at the value level, we need to dispatch on the `dtype` or the `type`.

        flowchart +=\
    dtype --> value
    type --> value

3. for each value may need to create 3 different representations for a single `value`.
for example, a `time` value will separate attribute and css representations

        time = pandas.to_datetime("now")
: {{time.isoformat()}}

: {{time.timestamp()}}

with the attribute being reused in the overall html representation.

: `<time datetime="{{time.isoformat()}}">{{time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}}</time>`

        flowchart +=\
    value --&gt; tag
    attribute --&gt; tag
    value --&gt; attribute
    value --&gt; s[style]
    s[style] --&gt; attribute
  1. the series comprosing a dataframe contains type and object information, colorless and colorful forms. this information needs to be transformed to many strings.

     flowchart =\
flowchart LR
    dataframe --> series
    series --> value
    series --> dtype
  1. at the value level, we need to dispatch on the dtype or the type.

     flowchart +=\
    dtype --> value
    type --> value
  1. for each value may need to create 3 different representations for a single value. for example, a time value will separate attribute and css representations

     time = pandas.to_datetime("now")

with the attribute being reused in the overall html representation.


<time datetime="2024-09-13T21:55:37.458285">2024-09-13</time>

  flowchart +=\
    value --> tag
    attribute --> tag
    value --> attribute
    value --> s[style]
    s[style] --> attribute
flowchart LR
    dataframe --&gt; series
    series --&gt; value
    series --&gt; dtype
dtype --&gt; value
type --&gt; value
value --&gt; tag
attribute --&gt; tag
value --&gt; attribute
value --&gt; s[style]
s[style] --&gt; attribute